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Road Gloria Vol 2

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Product Details

Who’s the Driver? is part two of the Road Gloria story and asks the question, ‘How does a man who likes predictable rules respond when his wife stops playing by the rules they both signed up for?’

In part one, A Dip into the Blue Ocean, Margaret begins to question their marriage and way of life. Through a friend, she discovers the difference between spirit and Soul and the ways of life that unfold, depending on which of these energetic qualities we connect to.

The consciousness of the spirit (Green Ocean) delivered a way of life that was familiar and seemingly normal, whereas the Soul (Blue Ocean) offered a different way. But in a world that feels upside down most of the time, this way of the Soul felt more normal, more settling and more enriching than anything she had lived prior.

Will James take a walk down his own Road Gloria and begin to question the rules by which he lives his life or will the expectations and conditioning of many years win the day?

Some people can find that this road is not the easiest to walk down – until they realise it’s not the road that is hard but the baggage they carry with them

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Road Gloria Vol 2

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